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Lynn Community Health Center offers Tuberculosis Outpatient services in conjunction with Massachusetts Department of Public Health.

This service is provided for persons who have already tested positive for Tuberculosis by TB Skin or Blood Test or who have had a known contact to someone with active, infectious Tuberculosis disease.

We do not do screening Tuberculosis Skin Testing or Blood Testing. We recommend that patients go to their PCP, Urgent Care, or Minute Clinic for this screening. Call the facility before you go to ensure their hours of operation.


Our TB Clinic accepts persons referred from within LCHC as well as patients from non-LCHC providers, Local Boards of Health and DPH (MA Department of Public Health), refugee and immigration services, and self-referred persons if appropriate.

There are no out-of-pocket charges for necessary TB medications.


Our TB clinic is located on the Pearl team at 269 Union Street, Lynn, MA.
Scheduled visits are by appointment only.

TB Clinic telephone number: 781-691-9464
TB Clinic Fax number: 781-691-9469

You can request medical and behavioral health appointments inĀ MyChart!

If you are having trouble with MyChart or are requesting a different kind of appointment, you can fill out this form and our Patient Ambassadors will contact you.

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