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About LCHC

The Heart of Our Community. Ahead of the Curve.

Lynn Community Health Center is a non-profit, multicultural, community health center. Located in the heart of our community, we are at the center of a larger solution to the healthcare crisis that is facing our nation today. We are recognized as a leader in developing new initiatives that result in high-impact, low cost health care.

Our mission is to provide comprehensive health care to everyone in our community, regardless of ability to pay

At the health center, board-certified providers lead teams of health professionals who can address almost any non-emergency health need or chronic condition. These teams include highly-qualified mental health therapists, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, dentists, optometrists, pharmacists, community health workers, and other specialists. LCHC uses an innovative, integrative care model called a patient-centered medical home, which is designed to respect each patient’s unique needs.
We are committed to social justice and reducing barriers to care. Our staff reflect the diversity within the community we serve, and we provide care in many languages and with respect for all cultures.

At LCHC, you are at the center of your care.

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LCHC & Environmental Justice

Our Community, Our People, and Our History

Our Founders

In 1971 William Mantzoukas was hired by the City of Lynn to found a health center. The first thing he did was hire Stephen D. Hayes, a newly minted psychologist with a big vision and a desire to serve those in need. Together they began the journey that brought us to where we are today.
We started out as the Community Counseling Center in a tiny storefront on Chestnut Street where we served 500 patients in the first year. It was immediately clear that our patients were also in desperate need of primary care. In 1976 we moved to a larger building and began providing medical and obstetrical services. Over the years we have continued to grow to meet the healthcare needs of our community, and are now the largest provider of comprehensive primary care services in our community, serving over 40% of Lynn residents.
It was during these early years that Dr. Hayes began envisioning mental health services as a critical part of primary care. Revolutionary at the time, his vision is one that is now widely recognized, and has become the cornerstone of the current Patient Centered Medical Home Initiative which is being widely adopted at both the state and federal levels. Dr. Hayes was a true leader in promoting the idea that the body, mind and soul need to be treated together and in an integrated fashion.
Bill Mantzoukas served for 3 years as the health center’s Executive Director, and has continued as a friend and board member ever since. His vision has carried us through many moves and new programs.
Dr. Hayes never wavered in his commitment to the physical and mental health of our patients. He served as Director of Behavioral Health and Director of Integrated Care Services for 40 years before his death in 2011. It is in honor of his amazing dedication and commitment that our new building bears his name.

In 2010 Bill and Steve were honored by Lynn Community Health Center.

How We Got Here… and Where We’re Going

Learn more about our leadership and all the people who make Lynn Community Health Center so unique.

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