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LGBTQIA + Health

Everyone is welcome here.

Diversity and inclusion are integral to LCHC’s mission to provide excellent, culturally relevant care to patients from a wide variety of backgrounds, and to creating an inclusive environment where differences are valued.

People identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, and other sexual and gender minorities (LGBTQIA+) experience health inequalities and disparities, and face barriers to receiving knowledgeable, culturally-informed and evidence-based healthcare.

At LCHC, we manage chronic conditions specific to LGBTQIA + identity as well as offering an inclusive and patient-specific approach to preventive care for all. You are always the center of your care team, and your needs and identity are crucial to your care.


*When you complete patient registration, we may ask you about you sexual orientation and gender identity. This information is to help us ensure we are always evolving the care and services we offer to meet the needs of you, our patients. This includes staff training, too, to make sure all our staff are best equipped and knowledgeable about best practices and patient needs. The more we know, the more we can support you!

What We Offer

  • Age-appropriate, gender-affirming healthcare, including hormone therapy
  • Behavioral Health letters of support for patients seeking gender-affirming surgery (as appropriate, as required by insurances)
  • Contraception education and management
  • STI/HIV testing, education, prevention, and treatment, including PrEP
  • Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) is a medication for people who do not have HIV, who are at high risk for contracting HIV from sex or injection drug use. PrEP is highly effective at preventing HIV if used as prescribed.
  • Mental health services
  • Post-surgical care following gender-affirming surgery
  • Substance Use Disorder treatment

Gender-Affirming Care at LCHC

With services such as gender-affirming care (including hormone therapy) and post-surgical care following gender-affirming surgery, as well as general healthcare for all regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation, LCHC strives to reduce health disparities and barriers to care for our transgender patients.
We believe that everyone deserves to live as their truest self, and deserves access to quality healthcare which honors their identity.



of transgender people reported having to teach their health care provider about transgender health issues.

non-conforming individuals were


more likely to have to travel more than 50 miles for transgender competent care

Access to quality local healthcare is a form of health equity. By providing gender-affirming care on the North Shore, and offering telewellness options for many services, we can support our LGBTQIA+ community.

NorthShore Pride Parade 2022

You can request medical and behavioral health appointments in MyChart!

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