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Medical Information Privacy Policies

The information on this page describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed, and how you can access to this information. This information was last revised in 2020 and remains in effect.

Every time you visit Lynn Community Health Center or one of our affiliated locations and are seen by a provider or receive other services, a record is made of that visit. This medical record usually contains your symptoms, examination and test results, diagnosis, treatment, and a plan for future care or treatment. The medical records for the health center are stored on paper or in our electronic medical record system, provided by OCHIN EPIC. As required by Massachusetts General Law, the health center maintains medical records for at least 20 years after the patient’s last treatment date.

Medical information may also be used and stored by other departments in the health center in the regular course of business. This information may be stored on paper or on a computer. The health center may also receive information about your health from other providers or facilities not part of Lynn Community Health Center and store such information with your Lynn Community Health Center medical record. All of this information is considered confidential and is subject to the protections mentioned in this privacy notice.

Your medical information is used for many purposes, including:

  • Planning your care and treatment
  • Communication among the health care providers who take care of you
  • Proving that services billed to your insurance company were actually provided
  • Helping improve the quality of care provided to health center patients
  • Assisting public health officials in improving the health of the public
  • Provided a legal record of the care and treatment you received

Health Information Privacy Notice:

Medical Information Privacy Policy: OCHIN EPIC

LCHC is a member of an organized care arrangement (OCHIN). Other member organizations can be found here Unauthorized access to LCHC patient records is continuously monitored.

Lynn Community Health Center is part of an organized health care arrangement including participants in OCHIN. A current list of OCHIN participants is available at as a business associate of Lynn Community Health Center. OCHIN supplies information technology and related services to Lynn Community Health Center and other OCHIN participants. OCHIN also engages in quality assessment and improvement activities on behalf of its participants. For example, OCHIN coordinates clinical review activities on behalf of participating organizations to establish best practice standards and assess clinical benefits that may be derived from the use of electronic health record systems. OCHIN also helps participants work collaboratively to improve the management of internal and external patient referrals. Your personal health information may be shared by Lynn Community Health Center with other OCHIN participants or a health information exchange only when necessary for medical treatment or for the health care operations purposes of the organized health care arrangement. Health care operations can include, among other things, geocoding your residence location to improve the clinical benefits you receive. The personal health information may include past, present, and future medical information as well as information outlined in the Privacy Rules. The information, to the extent disclosed, will be disclosed consistent with the Privacy Rules or any other applicable law as amended from time to time. You have the right to change your mind and withdraw consent, however, the information may have already been provided as allowed by you. This consent will remain in effect until revoked by you in writing. If requested, you will be provided a list of entities to which your information has been disclosed.


Language inspired by our friends at East Boston Neighborhood Health Clinic.

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