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The 21st Century Cures Act: What does it mean to me as a patient of LCHC?

By March 18, 2021December 3rd, 2024Announcements, Patient Alerts3 min read

Lynn Community Health Center already releases most provider notes and lab information when your provider closes the visit. Beginning Friday, March 19, 2021, we will be making more information visible in MyChart.

  • What is changing?
    • This change encourages patients to become more engaged and active in the decisions and choices surrounding their medical care.
    • It is now easier to share your medical information with a family member or others, but only if you choose. You are in full control of who has access to your data in MyChart, which means you are in full control of your privacy
  • What is not changing?
    • You are in full control of who has access to your data in MyChart, which means you are in full control of your privacy.
    • These changes will not impact the confidential relationship you have with your provider and health care team. Only you, the care team directly involved in your care, and other parties you grant access can access your information.
    • It is now easier to share your medical information with third-party applications, but only if you choose.
  • What is MyChart?
    • MyChart is an online patient portal that gives you online access to your medical record.
    • Through MyChart, you can view your healthcare information, your medication list, lab and test results, communicate with your doctor, request prescription refills, request an appointment, and pay your bills online.
  • What information is shared in MyChart after my visit?
    • After a visit or discussion with your doctor, nurse, or other medical provider, they write a note summarizing your care. The note becomes a part of your medical record.
    • A note may contain:
      • A summary of what you told the doctor or nurse, also called a history
      • Findings from an exam, such as your blood pressure, weight, or how your lungs sounded
      • Lab, radiology, pathology, or other report or test results
      • Your doctor’s assessment or diagnosis of any medical conditions or symptoms, also called assessment or impressions
      • The treatment plan recommended by your doctor and discussed with you
      • Next steps, including upcoming tests, follow up appointments, or referrals. (MyChart)
  • Who can access my information in MyChart?
    • Besides yourself, you can grant access proxy MyChart account access enables parents, family members, and caregivers to view health information of children and loved ones.
    • When a proxy is given access to a patient’s chart, the proxy will access the patients MyChart account from their own personal MyChart account under a new section titled My Family’s Record.
  • How do I find information in MyChart?
    • We recommend providing the patient with OCHIN’s infographic summarizing where information resides in MyChart.
  • Why can’t I see information about a visit in MyChart?
    • There may be multiple reasons:
      • Most commonly, the note or visit may not be ready; the result or note only appears in MyChart after the provider approves it.
      • The visit may have occurred before this policy was implemented.
      • Your provider may have chosen not to share this information. We encourage you to talk with the doctor or nurse to make sure you understand the reason for not making something available.

You can request medical and behavioral health appointments in MyChart!

If you are having trouble with MyChart or are requesting a different kind of appointment, you can fill out this form and our Patient Ambassadors will contact you.

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