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LCHC’s Zhanna Bronshvayg, RN, March of Dimes Nurse of the Year!

By December 9, 2016November 21st, 2023Advocacy, Announcements, Working at LCHC1 min read

zhannaLynn Community Health Center Nurse Zhanna Bronshvayg was recognized on December 1 as the Nurse of the Year in Community Health at the annual March of Dimes Nurse of the Year Breakfast.  This award recognizes nurses who have had outstanding impacts on their communities.

Zhanna directs two programs at Lynn Community Health Center that touch the lives of those most in need in our community.  The Women’s Health Network is a breast and cervical cancer screening and care program for women who do not have health insurance.  The Refugee Health Program helps refugees navigate the US healthcare system to access medical, behavioral health and social services.

Zhanna has been a nurse for Lynn Community Health Center for the past 24 years.

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