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Upcoming Conversations: Actor / Writer Jason Mantzoukas and CEO Dr. Kiame Mahaniah

By March 4, 2022November 21st, 2023Announcements2 min read

Join us for our upcoming webinar events!

We’re pleased to share our third and fourth installments of this video series! Register today for these free online events to learn more about our School-Based Health Center program and our SUD programs. You can find the first two videos on our YouTube channel!

Closing the Loop: Healthcare that Happens in School

Learn about LCHC’s 17 School-Based Health Centers in Lynn!

We are so excited to share with you not only a peek directly into 3 of our School-Based Health Center sites, but also to feature our exceptional School-Based staff during the question-and-answer portion of this webinar.

Register to join our conversation and hear from Julie Chan, NP at the Lynn Technical Vocational High School, and Maylene Collado-Wulff, LICSW at Fallon Elementary School and SBHC Associate Director.

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Treating Trauma, Treating Pain: SUD Programs at LCHC

Learn about the Mom’s Do Care and Substance Use Disorder programs at LCHC!

We are so excited feature our exceptional program staff during the question-and-answer portion of this webinar. More information coming soon!

Register to join our conversation!

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