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Women for LCHC a huge success!

By May 8, 2014May 24th, 2024Announcements, Support LCHC2 min read

Thank you to everyone who attended or contributed to our third annual “Women for Lynn Community Health Center Recognition Breakfast!”  Your commitment ensures that more women and girls will receive the care and support they need to take control of their health and their lives.

Andrea Gaulzetti Excellence in Nursing Award

This year we instituted a new award, named for Andrea Gauzetti, RN, the health center’s Chief of Clinical Operations.  As the health center has grown to meet the challenges of an ever-changing healthcare environment, the role of the nurse in patient care has evolved and become even more complex and integral to the quality and safety of care. Andrea has not only led the way in developing outstanding patient care programs, but has also inspired many women on our staff to pursue a career in nursing.  This year’s award went to Teresa Ammirati, RN, who has been at the health center for 20 years.

 Keynote Speaker Martha Bebinger

WBUR Health Reporter Martha Bebinger was the keynote speaker.  She opened her remarks with a reflection on the South African phrase “Ubuntu,” meaning “I am because of you,” and encouraged us to work together to continue to pursue health care for all.  “We have this commitment to healthcare that is quite remarkable,” she said,  “Healthcare is wonky, it’s complex, it has a vocabulary all its own, and yet it is the foundation of all of our very lives.”  She charged her listeners to continue to advocate for women’s health, with the advice that one’s passion is contagious, and that we will be most successful with stories that “take your breath away.”

Junior Aid Society Honored

The Junior Aid Society of Marblehead is a volunteer driven organization that raises money for programs for women and girls on the North Shore, and has supported many programs at the health center over the years including Reach Out and Read, Cooking Matters, Baby’s First Christmas, and Centering Pregnancy.  Accepting the award on behalf of the Junior Aid Society were co-presidents Kim Crowley and Ally Dickinson.


WBUR reporter, Junior Aid Society honored, Marblehead Reporter


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