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Governor Patrick announces new grant program at LCHC

By April 4, 2014June 2nd, 2022Advocacy, Announcements, Working at LCHC2 min read

gov speakingGovernor Deval Patrick and Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development Rachel Kapreilian held a press conference at LCHC to announce the first grants from the new Health Care Workforce Transformation Fund.  This is a state fund created as part of Chapter 224 mandating increased quality and reduced costs in healthcare.  A collaboration between LCHC, Union Hospital, and SEIU1199 is one of 51 grantees that will develop projects to help train staff to meet the requirements of this act.  Our project will be to develop a training to help front line staff best meet the needs of behavioral health patients with complex needs.

Today Governor Deval Patrick and Secretary of Workforce Development Rachel Kapreilian held a press conference at Lynn Community Health Center to announce the first grants from the new Health Care Workforce Transformation Fund.  This is a state fund created as part of Chapter 224 mandating increased quality and reduced costs in healthcare.  A collaboration between LCHC, Union Hospital, and SEIU1199 is one of 51 grantees that will develop projects to help train staff to meet the requirements of this act.  Our project will be to develop a training to help front line staff best meet the needs of behavioral health patients with complex needs.

Media Coverage:

Lynn Item (Governors Office)
Boston Heral

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