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LCHC Recognized by CDC as a Hypertension Control Champion

By November 20, 2017June 2nd, 2022Advocacy, Announcements, Primary Care2 min read

million heartsLynn Community Health Center has been recognized as a 2017 Million Hearts®  Hypertension Control Champion by the Centers for Disease Control.

Million Hearts is a national initiative, co-led by the CDC and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to prevent 1 million heart attacks and strokes between 2017 and 2022. Million Hearts recognition is awarded to professionals, practices, and systems who have been able to achieve blood pressure control for at least 70% of their adult patients with hypertension. Out of 100 applicants, Lynn Community Health Center is one of 24 Champions, and the only Champion from Massachusetts.

The Champions, who together provide care to more than 1.2 million adults, focused on proven strategies to help their patients achieve blood pressure control at rates at or above the Million Hearts target of 70 percent.  Lynn Community Health Center has achieved a target rate of 80 percent.

“There is a direct link between blood pressure control and saved lives, avoided strokes and prevented loss of function,” said Kiame Mahaniah, MD, Lynn Community Health Center CEO.   “This award spotlights the health center’s ability to provide world class care, right here, in our community.  It excellence, care, and compassion come to life.”

Nearly 1 in 3 American adults have high blood pressure, a leading cause of heart disease and strokes. Less than half of adults with high blood pressure have their condition under control. Even more alarming, millions of Americans have high blood pressure that is undiagnosed or untreated.

“We are excited to host this Challenge and showcase successful strategies used by our 2017 Champions to keep blood pressure under safe control, prevent heart attacks and strokes, and save lives,” said Janet Wright, M.D., a board-certified cardiologist and executive director of Million Hearts. “We had a higher than ever number of entrants this year, and we hope that these Champions inspire teams all over the country to make hypertension control a priority. We are already looking forward to celebrating the achievements of future Champions in the years to come.”

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