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Baby’s First Christmas a special time for LCHC Families!

By December 7, 2016June 2nd, 2022Announcements, Support LCHC2 min read

Every year, Lynn Community Health Center’s Obstetrics and Pediatric staff host its annual “Baby’s First Christmas” for the families of babies born to Health Center patients in the past year.  Organized by a dedicated group of community volunteers, this event is attended by about 80 parents and their children.

Baby’s First Christmas is a party with a purpose

Families come to a party where they are served lunch, and gifts are given to babies, their siblings, and their parents.  Santa pays a visit, and there are raffle prizes.  Families also benefit in other ways that promote healthy lives:

Making Connections:  Many of our families, particularly immigrant families, live in significant isolation.  This event is one of the many ways we work to build community and support among families.

Preventive Care: Most families are uninsured or underinsured, and are often afraid to seek routine medical care for fear of incurring debt.  Baby’s First Christmas helps the Health Center promote its message that we care for everyone in our community, regardless of ability to pay.  It is crucial that once a baby is born, parents see the Health Center as a resource for building healthy lives.

Empowerment:  For many families, this will be the only Holiday celebration they will have.  This may be the only gift their children receive.  Helping parents feel that they are providing for their children helps them focus on the positive.

Photo Gallery:  Baby’s First Christmas 2016

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