LYNN — As the city prepares to reopen, Lynn Community Health Center is launching a campaign to encourage more residents to get tested for COVID-19.
The purpose of the campaign is to provide Lynn Community Health Center and other health officials in the city with a better sense of how widespread the virus is in the community.
Dr. Geoff Pechinsky, LCHC chief medical officer, said the city’s seven-day positive rate, which at 29.62 percent is about three times higher than the state average, could indicate that not enough people are getting tested.
For example, Pechinsky said the high rate, which is 22 percent at LCHC, could indicate that only the sickest people are getting tested for the coronavirus, which could be skewing results and preventing health officials from getting a handle on community spread.
“We know the reason (for the higher rate) is we’re just not testing enough people,” said Pechinsky. “We’re offering testing here for people who are not symptomatic but have been in contact with people who have had COVID.”
The LCHC campaign, which kicked off this week, is focused on reaching out to Lynn businesses that rely on “customer-facing work,” such as barbershops, salons and food preparation, with an offer to test their employees before they return from furlough.
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