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Conversations with Jason Mantzoukas

By May 5, 2022November 21st, 2023Events5 min read

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Friday, April 29, 2022, 6:30 pm
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Jason Mantzoukas, Actor and Writer

Jason mantzoukasJason Mantzoukas can next be seen in Antoine Fuqua’s INFINITE opposite Mark Wahlberg and Chiwetel Ejiofor. In 2018, he starred in THE LONG DUMB ROAD, an American road trip comedy that premiered at the Sundance Film Festival. On the feature side, Mantzoukas can also be seen in JOHN WICK 3, THE HOUSE, THE DICTATOR, HOW TO BE SINGLE, and SLEEPING WITH OTHER PEOPLE. On television, Mantzoukas is best known for roles like Jay on Netflix’s BIG MOUTH, Rafi on FXX’s THE LEAGUE, Adrian Pimento on FOX/NBC’s BROOKLYN NINE-NINE and Derek on NBC’s THE GOOD PLACE, as well as shows including I’M SORRY, NO ACTIVITY, KROLL SHOW, MODERN FAMILY, TRANSPARENT, BROAD CITY, PARKS AND RECREATION, ENLIGHTENED and COMMUNITY. In addition to his acting work, Mantzoukas co-hosts the wildly popular comedy podcast “How Did This Get Made?” alongside June Diane Raphael and Paul Scheer, where the trio hilariously analyze bad movies.

Jason Mantzoukas, born in Nahant, Massachusetts in 1972, is the son of Lynn Community Health Center founder William Mantzoukas.

Kiame Mahaniah, MD, MBA, CEO of Lynn Community Health Center

Dr Kiame MahaniahKiame Mahaniah, M.D., is the CEO of Lynn Community Health Center in Lynn, MA. He sees his interest in medicine as key to his pursuit of social justice.
In his clinical work, Dr. Mahaniah has been a leader in integrating substance use disorder treatment into primary care and teaching. Prior to joining the Lynn Community Health Center, Dr. Mahaniah started his Greater Boston career as a physician at the Greater Lawrence Family Health, served as the Chief Medical Officer of the North Shore Community Health, Inc. in Salem, MA. He holds an appointment at the Tufts University School of Medicine.

Dr. Mahaniah was born in Philadelphia but grew up in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Geneva, Switzerland, before returning to the United States at age 19. He attended Jefferson Medical School in Philadelphia and completed his residency at UPMC-St. Margaret Memorial Hospital.   He served as a National Health Scholar in Pittsburgh, PA.


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Major Sponsor

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Gold Sponsor

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Silver Sponsor

  • Anonymous
  • Lisa Carbone and Robert Ginsberg
  • Dr. Katrin Schneck
  • Marilyn and Raymond A. Smith MD

Bronze Sponsor

View previous events below

Building the Plane as we Fly: Lessons Learned from COVID-19

Join CEO Dr. Kiame Mahaniah and Actor/Writer Jason Mantzoukas as they discuss parts of our response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Watch the entire virtual event on our YouTube channel, featuring a Q&A discussion with:

  • Kimberly Eng, Chief Operating Officer
  • Dr. Kiame Mahaniah, Chief Executive Officer
  • Jason Mantzoukas, Actor / Writer
  • Dr. Geoff Pechinsky, Chief Medical Officer

Crystallization of Values: Embracing the Mantle of Leadership

Join CEO Dr. Kiame Mahaniah and Actor/Writer Jason Mantzoukas as they discuss what qualifies a community health center.

Watch the entire virtual event on our YouTube channel, featuring a Q&A discussion with:

  • Dr. Kiame Mahaniah, Chief Executive Officer
  • Bill Mantzoukas, LCHC Co-Founder
  • Jason Mantzoukas, Actor / Writer

Closing the Loop: Healthcare that Happens in School

Learn about LCHC’s 17 School Based Health Centers in Lynn, where we’re proudly celebrating 30 years of partnership with Lynn Public Schools. The first SBHC in Lynn was at Lynn Tech in 1991!  We are so excited to share with you not only a peek directly into 3 of our School-Based Health Center sites, but also to feature our exceptional School-Based staff during the question-and-answer portion of this webinar.

Watch the entire virtual panel event on our YouTube channel, featuring a live Q&A discussion with:

  • Julie Chan, NP at the Lynn Technical Vocational High School
  • Maylene Collado-Wulff, LICSW at Fallon Elementary School and SBHC BH Associate Director
  • Geova Perez, Office Coordinator at Lynn English High School

Treating Trauma, Treating Pain: SUD Programs at LCHC

Learn about the Mom’s Do Care and Substance Use Disorder programs at LCHC!

We are so excited feature our exceptional program staff during the question-and-answer portion of this webinar.

Watch the entire virtual panel event on our YouTube channel, featuring a live Q&A discussion with:

  • Latisha Goullaud, Lead Peer Recovery Coach
  • Dr. Liz Quinn, Family Physician
  • Dr. Annalee Wells, Orange Team Medical Director

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